Our Funding

As the primary fundraising entity for the Freedom Public Library, we have been providing supplemental financial assistance to the library since our incorporation as a 501(c)(3) non profit charity in the year 2000.

Sources of our funding

Sale of donated books

Donations from our community members

Membership duesFundraising eventsGifts

Matching grants

Ways Our Funding Has Been Used

In the past five years alone we have supported the library with over $90,000 in supplemental financial assistance

  • Children, teen, and adult library programs
  • Portable computer classroom
  • Outdoor digital sign
  • Renovated staff facility workroom
  • Outside book drop
  • Library staff college tuition assistance

Our Gift Acceptance Policy

The Friends solicit and accept gifts that will assist us in accomplishing our mission in support of Freedom Public Library programs and services.

When determining whether to solicit or accept gifts, the Friends consider the following:
  • Does the acceptance of the gift compromise any of the core values of the Friends
  • Is there compatibility between the intent of the donor and the Friends use of the gift
  • Does the acceptance of the gift damage the reputation of the Friends
  • Is the primary benefit to the Friends versus the donor
  • Is acceptance of the gift consistent with prior practice
  • Can the gift be used without incurring substantial expense or difficulty
  • Will the gift encourage or discourage future gifts

The Friends will:

  • Accept only gifts that can be used or expended consistent with the organization’s mission
  • Accept donations of cash or publicly traded securities
  • Accept gifts of in-kind services at the discretion of the Friends
  • Not provide advice about the tax or other treatment of gifts and will encourage donors to seek guidance from their own professional advisors to assist them in the process of making their donations
  • Provide acknowledgements to donors meeting IRS substantiation requirements for property received as a gift. Except for gifts of cash and publicly traded securities, no value shall be ascribed to any gift received by the Friends
  • Respect the intent of the donor relating to monetary gifts identified for donor designated funds “restricted” purposes, that are given in accordance with the Friends approved and documented key areas requiring financial support. The treasurer records such gift transactions and will also document the detail when that designated money is spent.
  • For donors who identify that they want their gift to be recorded as anonymous, the Friends will restrict information about the donor to those Friends and or library staff members who have a need to know
  • Not compensate, whether through commissions, finders’ fees, or other means, any third party for directing a gift or a donor to the Friends of the Freedom Public Library
  • The Board of Directors must review certain other gifts, real property, personal property, in-kind gifts, non-liquid securities, and contributions whose sources are not transparent or whose use is restricted in some manner prior to acceptance due to the special obligations raised or liabilities they may pose for the Friends